Category: Islamic Articles

He has certainly succeeded who purifies himself

Quick Things to Know About Hajj

The fifth Pillar of Islam is the pilgrimage to Makkah and its surroundings known as Hajj. All Muslims are obligated to make Hajj once in their lifetimes if they can afford it and are otherwise able to do so. The Hajj is made from the eighth to the twelfth of the Islamic month of Dhul-Hijjah. Muslims travel from…
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July 5, 2018 0

8 Simple Steps to Help You Prepare for Ramadan

Have you ever wondered why it is difficult to concentrate in your prayer? Or why your faith throughout the year is not on a high like it is during Ramadan or through Hajj? Maybe it is because we usually jump straight from a phone conversation into Takbir or because we just go with the flow…
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April 26, 2018 0

Tasting the Sweetness of Faith

Faith has principles and has sweetness, and both are different issues. Most people are capable of perceiving the principles of faith, but few are the ones who have been true to their covenant with Allah and paid the price of the sweetness of faith in order to taste it. The difference between perceiving the facts of faith and testing…
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October 17, 2017 0

Significance of Muharram and Day of Ashura

It is one of the four sacred months in the Islamic calendar. Muharram in its literal sense means “forbidden”. Similar to the other sacred months, waging war during this month is forbidden.“The year is of twelve months, out of which four months are sacred: Three are in succession Dhul-Qa’ da, Dhul-Hijja and Muharram, and (the…
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September 26, 2017 0

9 Prophetic Du’as for Anxiety and Stress

Here are some dua’ to make when under stress and experiencing anxiety. They are a means of dispelling fear, of seeking forgiveness of Allah, seeking His aid, protection and guidance. They are the words of Prophet Muhammad and hence anyone that sincerely makes these du’as during times of great need, Allah will always answer the…
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September 24, 2017 0

The Itinerary to the Afterlife

Planning is a major part of our conscious or subconscious preparation for any trip. It doesn’t matter whether this trip is our daily commute to work or school (in this case most likely we will be on “auto pilot” mode and won’t think much about the map), or it may be a road trip to…
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August 24, 2017 0

9 Tips to Revive the Sunnah of Siwak (Miswak) Today

The siwak has recently started to surface as a trend in the European market, but it is, in fact, one of the teachings of Prophet Muhammad  that he promoted over 1400 years ago. The siwak, also known as miswak, is a small stick used to brush the teeth and it has innumerable health benefits. Our beloved Prophet Muhammad  used…
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August 24, 2017 0

Your Plan for Dhul Hijja: A Guide to Invest the Best 10 Days of The Year

With the start of Dhul-Hijjah, Muslims from all over the world have embarked on a journey of a lifetime. However, if you are among those who will instead be watching them on TV and wishing you were with them, you must be asking yourself: What do I do during these days? Let us remind ourselves of some specific and…
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August 24, 2017 0