Why EmaanTracker ?
It helps you stay on straight path with constant reminders and with interactive reports…
With so many distractions in Life, we often side line or forget our daily Ibada’at which are made
mandatory on all Muslims, with EmaanTracker, not only you keep your record of daily activities, you will also see your performance over a period of time if it’s getting better or worst. The EmaanStatus compells you to do more, Insha Allah.

Emaan Status feature
There is a unique feature in this APP called “Emaan Status” which shows your current Emaan condition based on your recent performance with respect to your Salah and other Iba’daath. It raised RED flag when you miss too many prayers !
LEARN MOREMany other features…
EmaanTracker app also houses many other features like Full Quran, Dua and excellent collection of online books you can read. all the time you spend on these sections will be recorded as your activities.
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What Our Users Say
Let’s see what people are saying about EmaanTracker App. Let’s see how it has impacted in their spiritual growth, Bi’iznillah
“In the age where smartphones have become an essential part of our lives applications like Eman tracker continues to remind us about our duties towards Allah & his creatures. It is also a source of motivation constantly reminding and encouraging us to keep doing good deeds to raise our level of eman..”

Fahim Shareef
Telecom engineer,Kuwait
“”Alhumdulillah I recently started using this app and love it!,
App has many useful features which can really improve our productivity !.”

Nida K
Bayyinah team, USA
“An awesome app for those who are really looking to improve upon their Emaan and stay ‘Green’. I highly recommend this app to be used in groups.”

Syed Mateen
Marketing Manager,UAE
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